Louder Awards News

The winners of the 2023 Gromche! award have been announced

Refreshed and full of energy, we return to sum up the results of the Gromche! Award. Let’s say it right away: it was difficult to choose the best among the strongest — each application was carefully selected by our jury members. And here they are?￰゚マᄐ

Members of an independent jury evaluated the projects and determined the winners in the following categories:

Effective Social Media Management — Klub priklyucheniy

Caring for Employees — Novy Gorod

Anticrisis Communications — GC Akademiya Rukovoditeley

Heritage — Mari immersive theater Kalyk Shynyk

Comprehensive Communications — Monolit-Komfort

Creative Video — GC SALYUS

Community/Networking — Da!My v Biznese

Partner Projects — Endowment fund Istoki!

Managing Feedback — Ecopooh

Working with Media — Moy sklad

Rapid Growth — Era Drummers

The Gromche! award has been created specifically for entrepreneurs to recognize and celebrate the most noteworthy and interesting achievements of small and medium enterprises in the field of PR, marketing and communications. The creator of the award is PR DOCTOR, a PR agency founded by Valeria Mingova. The award has been organized with the support of the State Budgetary Agency Moscow Small Business.

We have prepared a checklist for you: what else to do to make the most of the award.

  • Tell about the victory on the company’s and your personal social media. You can find the text of the post-release here
  • Send information about your victory to your partners
  • Send out information about the award to local media and public pages
  • Tell everyone about your achievements on social media and don’t forget to tag our accounts. For your convenience, we attach the award’s social media: the VKontakte group and the Telegram channel.
  • Take photos of awards and send information to your employees
  • Be prepared to answer questions from journalists and media partners of the Gromche!
  • Be prepared to answer questions from Gromche! and participate in interviews. Examples of interview videos can be found here

And most importantly, wait for the announcement of the new award for the 2024 season; in a few months we will begin accepting applications! We'll be in touch :)
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