Louder Awards News

Winners of the PR award Gromche! talked about their favorite literary works

You may have noticed that right now everyone is talking almost exclusively about the Nobel Prize and its results. For example, the other day the winners of the literature award were announced.
The award went to Norwegian writer and playwright Jun Fosse for his “innovative plays and prose that express the inexpressible,” as Forbes reports. Norway rejoices and the whole country is proud of its fellow countryman: even the king and prime minister congratulated the writer. In Russia, on the contrary, the Nobel laureate is quite controversial. The main reason for the indignation is that few people know this author's works. However, opinions are divided. Some Russian Internet users believe that the Norwegian playwright should have received a well-deserved award a long time ago. What do you think?
In the wake of the award results, we decided to find out about the favorite fiction books of the winners and organizers of the Gromche! PR award.
The whole team of Era Drummers responded: Anastasia Vlasova, head of the drum show, named Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs, Alexandr Shvedov, artist of the drum show, selected Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky, Grigory Shvarts, artist of the drum show, prefers The Night in Lisbon by Erich Maria Remarque, whereas Anastasia Shum loves Spark of Life by the same author.
President of GC SALUYS (who is also a 2023 Gromche! winner) Yegor Ivankov shared his favorites as well. Yegor could not choose among several books but he is confident that his favorite author is Carlos Castaneda. Yegor says that when you get older, you see Castaneda’s works in a different light and every reader interprets them in a different way which adds a certain charm to this author.
Head and director of Mary immersive theater Kalyk Shynyk Alexey Rybakov chose two books. For himself, The Cossacks by Leo Tolstoy, and for kids, Smart Dog Sonia (Umnaya sobachka Sonia) by Andrey Usachev. “I like Tostoy as a person, he taught children to read and write and we are doing something similar in our theater, we teach families with children”, explained his choice Alexey Rybakov.
Chief PR Officer of Progulka v Temnote Museum, Irina Trochina, also shared her opinion (Irina is currently on maternity leave but gladly provided her comments). She chose Martin Eden by Jack London. Irina enjoys re-reading this book and finding new meanings again and again.
And what do we, organizers of the Gromche! Award, say?
Maria Naumova, traffic manager of the award, said that her favorite book is The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. According to Maria, this book explains human life perfectly and shows “why there is so much evil and so little good in the world”. Leysan Mukhutdinova, PR manager, prefers Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë because this is a book about respecting your choices, love and freedom that provokes many emotions.
However different our tastes and values might be, we are all united in love for literature. Think about your favorite characters and books and try to figure out what makes you value literature. Have a great day!
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